Are you curious about the HSC Exam Result of Chittagong Board [year]? We know that at this time everyone is curious about HSC Exam Result [year] as well as you are always searching about this topic everywhere but you didn’t get satisfaction. No problem, today hashtags team present in front of you with an article which gives you every information regarding the HSC Exam Result of Chittagong Board [year]. In this article, we will provide to you
- Your result information
- How can get your exam result
- How can download your mark sheet
- When HSC Scholarship result will be published?
We will discuss each topics steps by step. So read this article carefully for knowing information about HSC Exam Result Chittagong Board [year].

HSC Exam Result Chittagong Board Publishing Date
Okay, we know that you are too much excited to know this. We want to say that your HSC Examination Result [year] will be published in July. We don’t mention the date because the Ministry of Education doesn’t fix the date. In that case, we can guess that in the middle of July they can publish the result. Now we want to through our discussion into another segment which is how can you get your result easily. Here we share more than one trick which helps you to get your result easily.
HSC Exam Result of Chittagong Board via Online
If you want to get your result online then this trick is for you. You can easily get your result through this. Here we mention the full process.
- type this at your address bar
- Select ‘HSC/Alim/Equivalent’ from examination section
- Select ‘[year]’ from year
- Then select ‘Chittagong Board’
- Submit your registration number along with your roll number
- Complete the ‘Security Key’ and click on ‘Submit’
Another Website
- firstly enter at this website.
- Select ‘HSC/Alim/Equivalent’ which is available in the examination section
- Choose your exam ‘Year’
- Choose ‘Chittagong Board’
- Then choose ‘Result Type’
- Submit your ‘Roll number’
- Submit ‘Captcha Code’ Which is available at the left side on the screen
- Finally, click on
- the ‘Get Result’ button
HSC Exam Result of Chittagong Board via SMS
You can get your result with the help of a mobile message. This procedure is also known as the SMS system. You can use this procedure with the help of any mobile operator.
- Type HSC<Space>First three letters of your education board (Capital Letter) <Space>Your Roll <Space>Year and send this to 16222
- Example HSC CHI 768584 [year] and send this to 16222
Then you can return the message from 16222 with your result. After sending this message 2.44 BDT will be reduced from your mobile balance.
HSC Exam Result of Chittagong Board by Android Application
At this time, you can get your result with the help of an android application which is ‘Education Board Result’ download this application from the ‘Google Play Store’.
- Install this application and open
- Then select ‘HSC/Alim’ from the examination section
- Select your ‘Board’ exam ‘Year’ and provide your ‘roll and registration’ number
- Select ‘Individual Result’
- Complete the ‘Security Box’ and click on ‘Submit’ button
HSC Institution Result
Are you looking for your institution’s results? But u don’t know how to get your institution’s HSC exam result. Okay, we will show you how to get your result just by using a website.
- enter at this website
- Submit your institution “EIIN” you can find this number at your institution official website
- Choose ‘Type of Result’ like HSC/Equivalent/Alim
- Click ‘Get Institution Result’
You can get your institution result as a pdf version. If you want you can download your institution result as a pdf version.
HSC Exam Result by using Chittagong Education Board official Website
On the result day, we suggest you using your education board website for getting your result.
Just go to and complete the instruction and get your result easily. Here you have to choose your exam type, year then you have to submit your roll number. In the end, you will be getting your result.
HSC Mark Sheet Download
Do you know that many students still don’t know how to download their mark sheet? Okay, for those students we are going to show you how to download mark sheet from the website.
- Go to
- Complete the procedure which is need for your result
- Then your result will flow up on your screen.
- Here you can see a download option, click here and your mark sheet downloaded automatically.
HSC Scholarship Result of Chittagong Board
After publishing the result everyone waiting for their scholarship result. Usually, it is published within 60 days after publishing the main result. We have a suggestion for you, visit your education board website regularly. Here you will find your scholarship result because every education board published its scholarship result separately.
Important Notes regarding Chittagong Board HSC Result
Exam Name | HSC Examination |
Board | Chittagong Education Board |
Result Publishing Date | In the middle of July |
Website for getting result | |
Chittagong Board Website | |
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